Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Transformation of A Woman - Caterpillars or Butterflies? Inspiring Insight For Your Soul & Spiri

By Gloria Thomas-Anderson
Early in our lives, most of us studied the transformation process of how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. This remarkable metamorphosis can symbolize how we as women are being transformed from one stage in life to another.
Caterpillars move rather slowly, barely inching along with deliberate unhurriedness. Butterflies on the other hand, flitter joyously through the air almost effortless. If we had our dithers, I’d bet that most women would prefer being the butterfly. I certainly would. Fluttering around weightless, free and beautiful sounds good to me!
Yet, for the butterfly to come into fruition, the caterpillar had to come first. So it is with life—we must crawl before we walk and that which is not so pretty in our life can turn into something beautiful as time goes on.
Life is a metamorphic journey and there are three levels that we as women go through that steadily move us along the continuum to achieve butterfly status.
1) AWARENESS – Recognizing that life is constantly changing and so are you. Every experience in your life story is for a purpose and has meaning for the next phase you enter. Whatever you have gone through in life and survived contributes to your growth and development. The lessons of life come to strengthen and prepare you for what is yet to come.
2) ASSESSMENT - Once you are aware that every stage of life brings new challenges and opportunities, it is important to reflect on and assess where you are in the process. Are you fretting about life or flowing with it? Are you moving forward or taking steps backwards? Are you making choices that can help better your life or choices that burden your life? To move to butterfly status requires one to acknowledge and address those issues that are standing in the way of moving up and onward.
3) ACTION –Only when you have become aware of who you are and taken an honest assessment of where you are, can the step of action come into play. Action requires that you do something that moves you toward the next level of growth. That something may be rekindling a hobby you’ve set aside or the pursuit of a personal goal that you feel passionate about.
The transformation for a woman to move from a caterpillar to a butterfly is a process and the transition can be beautiful when we learn to glide in this metamorphic journey called life.
Gloria Thomas Anderson, MSW
Columnist of: Inspiring Insights For Your Soul and Spirit! © 2006 Heart Tones
Gloria Thomas Anderson, MSW, is a motivational speaker and writer, a diversity trainer, and a professional social worker who inspires others to harness the power within themselves to create positive change in their lives. Gloria has shared her wisdom and insight on real life issues--Purpose, Relationships, and Spirituality--with hundreds of organizations and groups, including the Fellowship of Professional Women, The Executive Women in Government, Women that Soar, Women's Aglow, and Training For Excellence, Inc.
Her publication, "What Y'all Gon' Do With Me?-The African-American Spiritual and Ethical Guide to End of Life Care" was recently presented at the International First North American Spirituality and Social Work Conference, in Waterloo, Canada and published in "The Society for Spirituality and Social Work Forum". She has also received several awards and grants toward her research. Gloria is the author of the popular self-help book, Passion For Your Purpose--Discovering Peace, Direction and Balance In Your Life and columnist of Inspiring Insights For Your Soul and Spirit!
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